20 The Hive, Northfleet,
Kent, DA11 9DE

07492 351934

Mikuláš 2019

Over the past years, we have delivered a St Nicholas day event to celebrate and share cultural traditions which has become well known by the community. On Friday 6 December 2019 event took place at the Community Square and was also attended by Mayor of Gravesham. Despite the rain and cold weather event was attended by hundreds of people.

V posledných rokoch sme zorganizovali Mikuláša aby sme oslávili a zdieľali tuto kultúrnu tradíciu, ktorá sa stala dobre známou v nasej spoločnosti. V piatok 6.decembra sa Mikuláš konal na námestí a zúčastnila sa ho aj Majorom Gravesendu. Bez ohľadu na dážď a zimu na Mikuláš došlo niekoľko stovák ľudí.