20 The Hive, Northfleet,
Kent, DA11 9DE

07492 351934

The Romani Slovak Czech Community organisation has been in existence for several years. It was established as an unincorporated community organisation with its constitution in December 2013 and has quickly become established as a high-quality local support service for both newly settled migrants and other local communities in Gravesham, Kent. In October 2016, our community organisation became Romani Slovak Czech Community CIC (reg no 10434356).  We have delivered various projects in conjunction with the Local Authority and other partners agencies, addressing crime prevention, diversion activities for youths, football match events, advice and support at drop-in-centre in Gravesend and Northfleet. Over the last years, we have also delivered different cultural events to celebrate and share traditions that have become celebrated and appreciated by the local community (e.g., St Nicholas Day, Porraimos -Romani Holocaust Exhibition and International Roma Day). 

Romani Slovensko Česká Komunita už existuje niekolko rokov, bola založená ako dobrovoľnícka organizácia v decembri 2013 a rýchlo sa stala vysoko kvalitnou miestnou službou pre novo usadenych prisťahovalcov a ďalšie miestne komunity v Graveshame, Kent. V októbri 2016 sme sa stali registrovanou neziskovou organizáciou Romani Slovak Czech Community CIC (registračné číslo 10434356). V spolupráci s miestnou samosprávou a ostatnými partnerskými agentúrami sme realizovali celý rad projektov zameraných na predchádzanie trestnej činnosti, aktivity pre mládež, futbalové zápasy, poradenstvo a podporu v drop-in-centre v Gravesende a Northfleet. Počas posledných rokov sme realizovali aj rôzne kultúrne podujatia, ktoré slúžia na oslavu a zdieľanie tradícií, ktoré miestna komunita slávi a ocenuje (napr. Deň sv. Mikuláša, Porraimos - výstava Rómskeho holokaustu  a Medzinárodný deň Rómov).